Dear Valued Visitors,

We started our Before Sleep Program tonight by listening to the “Song of Decency”. Some of its words were:

“Decency is shame, decency is restlessness,

It is a bright light, it is a good habit.

Decency is grace, decency is courtesy,

It is a bright light, it is a good disposition.”

We thought together. It turns out that while eating, drinking, sitting and talking in short, we thought about our beloved Prophet Hz. We should imitate the morality of Muhammad Mustafa, peace and blessings be upon him. Being decent required it. There were some behaviors that did not suit Muslims and were against good manners, which were extremely dangerous. For example

, displaying food in showcases was one of them. Because the food that people look at and sigh on would have an eye right on it. Eating them thoughtlessly was one of the causes of spiritual diseases.

In short, we should meticulously avoid consuming the food that others smell and crave. If we had to buy from outside, we should have chosen the ones on the invisible side. In addition, we should shop from small shopkeepers that not everyone visits, and we should strengthen each other as Muslims.

That’s how, we went to our beds with the excitement of learning valuable information from each other and with the hope of meeting again on Wednesday evening!

If you would like to benefit from this beautiful program, you can become a member of the Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association! For registration and information, call 0542 808 82 58 now!


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