Dear Visitors,

Tonight, when the hours hit 20:30, we were together in our Gulberenk Children’s Group! We once again learned very valuable knowledge. It turned out that we should first practice the right, good and auspicious behaviors ourselves, and then convey ourselves with tabligh. For example, if we talk with food in our mouth, and we tell others, “Do not talk with your mouth full!”. Well, there will not be any evidence of what we said. Allah loves us very much and has mercy on us. For this reason, Allah ordered what we can do in the most comfortable way. People, on the other hand, generally ran after what the Creator forbade, and instead run after what has been actually the difficult.

If we are well-intentioned, if we try to think right and well, and if we want for our believing brother and sister, what we desire for ourselves; Allah will bring great ideas to our minds. If we act well with what we know, our Creator has given us the strength to produce new ideas without asking anyone, reading anything else, seen anywhere or heard from anyone. In order to experience this situation, it has not been enough for us to act with a few things we know. For example, if we comb our hair before going to bed; both we will have practised our beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alayhi and wa sallam’s Sunnah and we have reached the strength to live another sunnah. Beneficial knowledge and capabilities, as you will understand, develop and increase as we live and so practise.

We also learned that people actually helped themselves by supporting the needy. Because when we die, we will be accountable alone and then we will only see the good deeds we have done in this world.

It turns out that every person we gladly helped and whom we did a favor would return to us as prayers. As we do good deeds, our Creator will always help and make things easier by removing the obstacles we face. Moreover, the quickest way to be happy was to make someone else happy. “Then why should we go the hard way ?!”, we said, and we intended to increase our good deeds and bring joy to both humans and animals!

So that was it for today … Tonight we ended our program in peace, too! We took our ablution and performed our prayers. We combed our hair and miswaked our teeth. We kissed those in the house. Then we read the Surahs Falaq, Nas and Ihlas, turned to our right and slept.

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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