Dear Visitors,

Today we greeted the arrival of the month of Ramadan with joy and enthusiasm, we started our Before Sleep Program this evening by listening to the “Fasting Song”!  We learned that in Ramadan, which is a period of time better than a thousand months, our Allah made it obligatory for Muslims to worship fasting. In this month, it was forbidden to eat and drink starting from imsak time until the evening prayer; but the reward was just as much. Our Creator, the Most High, says in the holy hadith, “Every deed of man is for himself, except fasting. Fasting is for me, and I will give its reward. (Bukhârî / Savm-9) ”.

In order to get the best out of the coming days, we should make use of our time with prayers, salah, dhikr, thanksgiving and contemplation, and avoid bad situations and speeches. Fasting is not just to stop eating and drinking between certain hours; to protect all the limbs from forbidden. In particular, we should keep our tongue away from situations such as backbiting, gossip and lies that do not suit believers.

As Gulberenk Children, we should miswak our teeth and comb our hair before going to bed at sahour.

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Merve Doganci



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