Dear Visitors,

We started the Before Sleep Program with great enthusiasm, by listening to the “Service Anthem”! Then, we all contemplated together. It turns out that a person with an inflamed wound on his hand cannot apply without cleaning and draining it, and a person who has struggled with the trials of mischief and evil around him cannot turn to good deeds in complete peace unless he gets rid of them.

A person can find the energy that can do good in himself only when he is relaxed in his soul and heart, and he is healthy physically, “What can I do for the sake of Allah?”. In this world full of difficulties, working, producing and producing useful works would make people feel good. We also contemplated the following: To serve was to see someone’s work and fulfill their needs. Exceptional examples in this regard are to give food to those who are hungry, to offer the unemployed the opportunity to work, to teach those who do not have knowledge, to relieve those who have financial difficulties.

Sometimes a person may become needy while in the position of the giving hand. In a life full of ups and downs, we must always be patient and thankful.

At the end of our program, we opened our hands and prayed as follows: “Oh Allah! Let us be among your sincere servants who are pleased with You in any case! Amen!”

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