Dear Visitors,

After a two-day break, we were together again at 21:00 in our Before Sleep Program.

We learned and contemplated… We humans could be impotent on some issues. It turns out that when we become weak, we would better realize the power of our Almighty Allah.

For this reason, we should always do good deeds with the bounties we have and continue to do good deeds when even one of them is taken from our hands. In other words, we should never make up excuses, we should always think about what we can do and be beneficial and benevolent to those around us. For example, if our vocal cords are tired, we should rest them and turn to other things we can do. If our voice somehow gets muted, we should think about how we could do good things with our other limbs and act without wasting any time.


In addition, we learned some tricks to have more beautiful flowers this evening. Some of them were as follows: It turns out that the cinnamon bark helps the roots of the flowers to strengthen and develop. Moreover, if we mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a tablespoon of powdered yeast in water and pour it into the bottom of the flowers from time to time, it will develop very well. When we learned this information, each of us wanted to grow beautiful flowers.


Like flowers, Gulberenk Children try to make their surroundings beautiful, and also add joy and peace for the sake of Allah. We are thankful that we are the Gulberenk Children. As a result of this program, we decided to use the blessings and possibilities we have in the best and most accurate way. We ended our program with the song “There no Such Thing as Small, No Underestimation”. No, no, we did not say goodbye! We just slept grateful that our hearts were one and so together.


If you want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.

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