Dear Valued Visitors,

Tonight, we met again with gratitude and joy in our Before Sleep Program.  We started our program by listening to the song I heard, I saw, I knew. We meditated beautifully.  We learned many things in this life are arduous and require effort. But with every difficulty comes ease. Challenges mature and strengthen us.

“Sila-i rahim” means visiting our relatives. Our beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was always very merciful, that is, he never neglected his relatives. Our Lord, the Most High, loves everyone who is a family member. Because if a person keeps his bond with his relatives strong, he can benefit them. We thought, our relatives, and friends knew us. But our soul is Allah’s, who knows us better than anyone else. He knew us better than we do. A person loved himself the most, and then the one who resembled him, and made friends with him.

We feel very good in the company of the people we love and are loved. Love is blessed. Love is healing. Love is the most beautiful gift from Allah. “May Allah not leave anyone alone! May it unite us with our loved ones!” we prayed. That’s how it is… Today, we performed a Before Sleep Program with gratitude. We rolled up our sleeves to paint a picture of what we love most. Then we slept peacefully.

If you would like to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.

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