Dear Valued Visitors,

We held the last Before Sleep Program of this week in peace and learned valuable information from each other.It turns out that a person should spend his whole life in order to gain Allah’s approval. Our Lord would not be pleased with us when we did wrong and bad deeds; because he loves us very much and doesn’t want us to get hurt.

If Allah has forbidden something, that thing is definitely harmful to us; if he ordered something, it was definitely very necessary and useful for us. We thought… You know, sometimes things that our mother, father, and teacher ordered and said are difficult for us… However, all of these orders were for our own good. There are also some rules in traffic. They are used to order us with their colors and states so that even lights would not cause confusion, accidents and people would not be harmed. As you can see, orders and prohibitions were meant to ensure the order of life.

Even if the people we love very much ordered us, it would not be difficult to follow those orders. We would even gladly do it. The reason why Allah’s orders and prohibitions are difficult for us is because the nafs, intervened and provoked us.

It turns out that Satan was trying to distract us from goodness and lead us astray. Therefore, it is never right to do what he says; we should always listen to what our Lord commands. Moreover, we should only do this to gain Allah’s approval, not to gain some benefit… Likewise, we should avoid things that Allah has forbidden and does not want us to; not to get rid of harm… As we move away from what our Lord has forbidden, harm will flee from us. For example, the prayers we perform and the fastings we keep have many benefits for us. Of course, we had to do them not for our own benefit, but because our Lord commanded them; because His consent is more valuable than anything else.

If that’s the case… “Let’s do everything for the sake of our Allah. So that we can both please Him and be filled with peace!”. We ended our program with the hope and prayer of meeting again during the week. No, no we didn’t break up! This evening, we went to bed with the joy and peace of what we learned!

If you would like to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Author: Hatice Saglam

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