Dear Visitors,

We started Before Sleep tonight by listening to the Resentment Anthem! Some of its words were as follows:

“I told you about the rose, you thought it pricked up thorns,

You misunderstood when I laughed at your face.

A Believer thinks good, did you forget my brother?

If you continue with this touch, you get burned! ”

Man is a social entity that can experience different emotions such as love, hate, sadness, anger, resentment, resentment at the same time and communicate by talking, in the integrity of the soul and body. There were some people that were taken on themselves by interpreting their words, actions or looks in their minds. This approach often led to situations that diverted people from each other and caused misunderstandings.

Doubt, hesitation, and resentment were like a thick veil that prevents seeing the truth. If it befits Muslim personalities, to share their feelings with open heartedness, to always have good wishes, to shout the truth in every situation; in other words, the right thing to do was to pull that curtain, to reach the light of day.

After this beautiful knowledge we learned, we became steadfast, persevering to live what is necessary. Then, as usual, we miswaked our teeth and combed our hair. We turned to our right and slept peacefully after reading the chapters of Ihlas, Felak and Nas.

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Merve Doganci



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