Dear Visitors,

After a two-day break, we were together again in our Gulberenk Children’s Group. We started our program with the “Petulance Anthem”. While listening, we both had fun and contemplated. It turns out they metaphorically call it a duck who is weirdly touchy. Touchiness is like a curtain, we have to pull it and look behind us. Those who feel touchy from the blowing wind, the chirping bird, that is, anything that is not related to them, is called “petulant”. They always think others’ glances, laughs, speeches, correspondence are about themselves and they feel touchy. For this reason, it is hardly seen that they were happy.

A person who has a lot of work to do would not have time to care about such stuff. Imam Shafi on this issue says: “Make your soul busy with goodness so that it does not occupy you with evil!”. We should find good deeds for ourselves and be protected from evil because the world needs us all. If we help our mother with housework, if we shine our father’s shoes, play games with our brother, read a book to our grandfather, that is, if we do useful things, our ego would not occupy us with nonsense. Man hurt himself the most with his own laziness, susceptibility, thought and gossip. That is to say, nobody would pay for someone else.

If we want to be useful to ourselves and those around us, we should practice and embed what we have learned into our lives as soon as possible. These things could not occur in our lives by just reading a lot of books or writing a lot, quite the opposite, we have to practice them ourselves.

When we learned these, we intended to please our parents with our state, attitude and what we do; to be a thankful daughters and thankful sons; to leave our petulance and laziness to take care of our responsibilities and show mercy to our surroundings! In addition, we have decided to discover the qualities in ourselves and use them for our country, nation and beloved ummah, live in accordance with the consent of our Creator and be a means of thanksfulness for everyone!

We ended our program with these good intentions! No no, we did not say farewelL, we merely separated to meet again! Thus, tomorrow night we will meet again for sure, and so we fell asleep after another Before Sleep Program, hoping and praying to be together again!

If you want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM


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