Dear Visitors,

Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association continues its Before Sleep Program with love, enthusiasm and praise at full speed! Tonight we all talked about “Fatigue”. It turns out that a healthy person is active, working, thinking and feeling with all his limbs; therefore, he was a creature in need of rest with his soul and body. Rest and sleep rest the body falling tired; and dhikr, contemplation and worship will bring the tired spirit to peace. For example, keeping silent for a while makes our vocal cords say, “Allah!” and this way of praying rests our hearts. Standing on the earth with barefoot accelerates the blood flow in our veins, takes the negative loads accumulated in our body and relaxes us. Looking at the sky and the greenery strengthens our eyes. Especially in high concrete buildings; people who live with technological devices such as phones, computers, tablets, long-term stress and fatigue are in the extreme. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to take a deep breath in the fresh air, to walk and exercise, to eat healthy and to be engaged in good work.

After the useful information we learned, we opened our hands before going to bed and prayed peacefully as follows: “O Allah! While helping the needy, trying to alleviate their distress, and us running around in charity activities makes it possible for us to get tired and rest on your way of consent. Amen!”.?

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