Dear Visitors!

In the Before Sleep Program tonight, we discussed about the following question, “Why does Allah gives the biggest troubles to those whom the mighty Creator loves the most?”.

Then we examined some photos together. For example, we saw a pencil whose tip was tried to be opened with a sharpener. Then an embroidered fabric, crochet dipped knit, rose branches pruned, and finally a bowl of roasted chickpeas. Thereupon, we thought, would we harm the pencil when we carve it? If the pen says: “Owww! You hurt me so much! I am bored!” Does this ever happen? Of course not! We do in fact sharpen it so that it can do its job better.




Let us have a look to the fabric. We prick it with needles many times and cut it with scissors to make a beautiful embroidery. Are we doing these because we are annoyed with the fabric and want to hurt it? Why do we just dunk the crochet into the knitting and take it out? For the crochet to get its head back? Or is it because we await a beautiful work will come out? Would the knitting say us this: “You do not love me at all! If you love me, would you ever stick me with a needle?”. Is the dear knitting right to say this?


We prune the rose branches so that they can grow better. We boil and roast the chickpeas to turn them into roasted chickpeas. What if the rose gets angry because its branches are pruned, and feels sorry; what if each of the chickpeas escaped when they see the fire, how ridiculous would it be, right? For example, if we do not cook the meat, it will smell, it will rot. However, when you turn it over the fire, it gets so delicious right? Fire becomes mercy for the meat. Thus, our Almighty Creator sometimes wants to mature the servants with mercy. People who have gone through great difficulties will be more patient, they can pray more sincerely, they can find solutions more easily in the face of difficulties!


The most difficult tests are put before the most intelligent students. Likewise, mighty Allah puts the most qualified and superior people through the greatest tests in the world test. We learned that the friends of Allah were able to overcome many difficulties with great peace that ordinary people could not endure and would rebel. Because their hearts are much wider! Moreover, they would say, “Everything that comes from our Creator is pleasant” and will not even consider such exams as a nuisance!


Prophets are at the head of the people who have passed the most difficult tests, and our beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallallah (peace be upon him) came first among them all! He experienced the biggest sorrows in the World because he is the most perfect person in the world. For this reason, his troubles were worse than anyone else! We also learned that the greater the test, the greater the reward when it is won!


Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) met with our Allah on the night of Miraj after he was stoned in Taif! Our Allah has passed through many tests to get him to meet with him and to reach higher levels! He did it because he loved him so much! In that case, we also made the similar intention. From now on, we will stop naming the issues we suffer from as trouble and sadness and would say: “My beautiful Allah! May you win the exams you sent me to mature!”.


Nothing in life is reached for free. The best price to get closer to Allah is in fact tiredness and troubling. This we entitle as “the test”. Before going to bed at the end of our program, we listened to the song “There is Mercy in Troubles” and “Thorn on the Rose”. If you want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.

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