Dear Visitors,

As Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, we continue the Before Sleep Program with great love! ?

We thought this evening that one should always do good deeds and work diligently in beneficial matters. Learning a different language, speaking, reading and writing could be examples.

The activities carried out in order to read, understand and live in the best way of the Quran, which is the word of our Creator Almighty, are also considered among the most honorable activities for a Muslim.

As Children of Gulberenk, we must be the people of taqah who obey the orders of our Allah, and we should carefully avoid his prohibitions. When we strive to live like this, both our hearts and our world are filled with peace and tranquility. In addition, we should definitely perform our prayers before going to sleep. Then, we should miswak our teeth and comb our hair, and read the Surahs of Ihlas, Falaq and Nas. Then we should turn to our right and sleep nicely.

If you also want to benefit from our program, you can become a member of the Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association and check the Membership and Regulations menu at for detailed information and registration.


Merve Doganci



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