Dear Valued Visitors,

We started the Before Sleep Program tonight by giving thanks and contemplation to the accompaniment of the “Song of Saltless Fish”! We were reminded once again how generous and loving our Lord is, who brings unsalted fish out of salty waters and bestows blessings upon us that we cannot count!

We have learned that the real generosity is not just to distribute money; it is also to offer time and ideas to others, to give effort to people. For example, it was easy to give financial aid to those who did not have a house in the cold weather. The most difficult and more valuable thing was to share their troubles and to observe their situation in person.

Some people do good, then rub it on the other person’s head. Others do a good deed and overestimate it and would declare himself the most devoted person in the world. However, as Muslims, no matter how much we do for the sake of our Allah, we still could not thank Him properly. However

, all of our righteous deeds could be acceptable to the extent accepted by our Allah. The poor needed financial aid from the rich. On the other hand, the rich actually needed the poor, whom they could do good deeds and earn rewards for.

This is how we opened our hands and prayed: “O Allah! Grant us to be generous with decency, courtesy and manners! Amen!”. Then, we said goodbye to the people at home. After brushing our teeth and combing our hair, we read the Surahs of Ihlas, Felak and Nas, turned to our right and went to bed.

If you would like to benefit from this beautiful program, you can become a member of the Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association! For registration and information, call 0542 808 82 58 now!


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