Dear Visitors,

We started the Before Sleep Program tonight by thanking our Allah and listening to the “Homeland Anthem” together enthusiastically!

Then, we questioned ourselves in detail about what we are doing to bring good to our environment. We said: “What have I added to the world today? What have I done to improve the environment I am in? Have I watered a flower? Did I feed the birds? Did I remove the garbage on the floor? Did I call my friend and ask her how? Did I respect my elders? Did I prostrate and fill my heart with peace?”

We learned that we should not live by thinking only of ourselves. We should also consider the interests of our interlocutors. For example, while planting seeds, we should have thought about how much the soil would benefit from it, let alone hope to get fruit.

While trying not to rely on food, not just our own pouch; we should also take into account our brothers and sisters who are starving in Africa. While we repent for the rice cans that escaped to the sink, we should aim to end the misery and injustice in the world.

As Gulberenk Children, we decided to strive to bring our world to a better point after this program and to be always beneficial! Then we went to our beds in peace, hoping to meet again on Friday evening.

If you also want to benefit from the Before Sleep Program, you can become a member of Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association! For detailed information and registration, call 0542 808 82 58 immediately!

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