Dear Visitors,

Today we were together again joyfully and thankfully in our Before Sleep Program.

First, we looked at the works of our friends who drew the pictures of the Gulberenk Village, which we dreamed of yesterday. Each one was more beautiful than the other, and was just as we imagined. We were very happy to see the houses lined up in a circle, the Gulberenk Mosque, the village room, the ornamental pool, the water well, the healing house, the carpenter’s house, each house’s own field, colorful flowers, various trees, sheep and lambs. Thereby, we prayed all together, “Oh Allah, give us the best, the most beautiful!”.


While we have had friends who draw and send pictures, we also had friends who were afraid to draw our imagination. As they thought their drawings would be bad and so did not work on it. It turns out that everyone should do his/her best and not be afraid. Even if she/he was afraid, he should learn the ways not to do wrong and give hard effort. Anyone can make a mistake. This is a very natural thing. The important thing is to accept this situation and try to fix it.

We thought together. What are our capabilities? What can we do without fear? For example, we are not afraid while sleeping; because Allah has given us a homeland where we can feel safe. In fact, we have never felt afraid if the oxygen will run out and we will not be able to breathe. Because our dear Allah has given enough air for everyone for free. Considering these, we remembered once again the generosity of our Almighty Lord. If we need to fear, we need to feel afraid of not being grateful; our mistakes, of not being able to repent enough for our faults.


Then we listened to a story. Once upon a time, here was a liitle boy. As that boy got older, so did his nose. He did not like himself at all. People would make fun of him, “Crow-nosed, crow-nosed!”. The more they made fun of him, the more upset he got and the more he felt bad.


One day, he decided not to mind what they said. He looked at the pictures of the animals. And what did he suddenly see! Eagles and hawks looked just like him. Then he took care of the sultans. His own nose was just like the nose of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han. He found comfort when he saw and thought about them. Then an oldish woman said that the boy’s nose was very much like Hz. Abu Bakr’s nose. When he heard this, he stopped complaining after that day and started to love his nose. He became a sweet child who smiled as he loved. The more he smiled, the more beautiful he got.


Thus we realized that beauty was all about being consent. Man should love the way Allah has gcreated him. In fact, when people love the choice of their Lord, they will begin to love themselves. Instead of putting a head on our eyebrows, eyes, nose, ears, hair and head, we should think about these things by saying, “Oh Allah, how can I thank you, how can I love you?”. In the Song of Consent that we listened to, we said all together: “If you are willing to be consent, Allah will consent with you too…”.


As a result of the survey, we have been delighted to hear that the Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs will continue both on the stage and on the internet. This evening, we slept with the peace of being pleased with Allah while we were lying on our right sides.

If you want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.

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