Dear Visitors;

The Before Sleep Program continues with great joy every evening during the weekdays! We started our program tonight by listening to the “March of Progress”. Some of the words of the anthem were as follows:

“Be a servant, move forward to Allah!

Move forward to the shelter of the Creator!

Become the servant, move forward!

Say Allah! Commemorate the Messenger of Allah!

Proceed with sincerity with love and enthusiasm!”.

Thereby we all thought together, but it turns out that everything progresses, nothing stays in place. All work is done and done somehow as ages progress and life ends somewhere. Time never stops, the hour and minute are constantly proceeding. As if everything in the universe is singing the March of the Progress! As time passes, some of the skills of others; the joy or sadness of some others improves. That is, in fact, everyone goes forward from another angle. As the children of Gulberenk, what is important to us is to advance towards Allah, take shelter in Allah as a servant. In addition, it is necessary to develop our positive behavior and fill our hearts with sincerity.

A Gulberenk kid would try to be good in every field. He or she will think of his/her life as a car and her/himself as a driver, and she/he will proceed carefully and balancedly, obeying the pedestals. So, at the end of our program, we opened our hands and prayed as follows:

“Oh Allah! Make us one of those who are constantly advancing in fulfilling their duties! Let us improve ourselves in good and good works, not in bad and ugly behaviors, help us! My Allah! May our progress be towards You in accordance with Your consent! Amen!”. Then, we performed our ablutions and prayers. We miswaked our teeth and combed our hair. We proceeded to our bed by receiving the prayers of our elders!

If you want to take advantage of our program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information!


Writer: Merve Doganci

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