Dear Visitors,

This evening, we started our Before Sleep by listening to the Kite Anthem and thought about the following: Wherever the kite goes, its tail goes that direction… Just like that, when we follow the people who obey Allah’s orders, we go the way they go and do good and useful things. If we get caught up in someone who does not pray, does not fast, who does bad deeds, who is lazy, scruffy, messy, wasteful, stingy, negligent, we will become like him/her in time.

Hanging out is like being the wagons of a train. Wagons can only go if there is a locomotive in front of it. If the locomotive goes well on its way, the wagons attached to its back would also proceed in peace. If it derails, the wagons would be derailed and toppled with it. For this reason, it is very important who we follow. Because in time, human beings would look like the people they hang out with. If we are at peace with the righteous and good, we would begin to live like them and our Creator would love us very much.

On this our ancestors have said the following words: “When you stand next to a pale horse you would lose either your feather or habit… The grape will turn darker when standing next to a other”. Thereby, we got grateful for learning such useful things by hanging out with the Before Sleep Program and Educational Children’s Programs prepared by Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association.

Then we all learned one thing we should pay attention to: No matter how good someone is, as soon as we realize that she/he has deviated from the right and the good, we should stop following that person. Because some malicious people are able to mislead the good people by harming them in different ways. Thus, we prayed, “May Allah protect us all from the evilness of the evil”. Of course, it is not enough just to pray like that. To protect ourselves, we must act in accordance with the orders of our Creator, we have to pay attention to what we eat and drink, what we wear, what we watch, and what we read. Before eating or drinking, we have to find out where it comes from, how it is made, and we have to say the Euzu Bismalah. Here, if we eat and drink while paying attention to these, our Creator would protect us from all evil

As you can see, it is very vital that what we eat and drink is clean and halal, and that it is done with wudu and salawat. Because the bite we eat would directly influence our character.

When we learned about these, we opened our hands and invited our Almighty Allah as follows: “O Allah! Protect us from the evil of harmful food, polluted water and air, evil people and beings, poisonous plants and animals. And let us keep away from those who are ill-intentioned, non-believers and impudent.

And that is how we ended our program. No no, we are not separated! We fulfilled our duties before we went to sleep and went to our beds peacefully.

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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