Dear Precious Members,

We have left behind a program that says, “Better Give Than Take”. Gulberenk this month, processed the theme “Generosity”. Our audience was very excited and attentive. We all learned that the hand that gave without expecting anything back was superior to the contrary one. The giver should never hurt the one that takes. In fact, whatever we are giving do all already belong to Allah.

The chicken while serving its eggs said: “If Allah does not give strength, I cannot lay my eggs. In real, I already do not have the knowledge to design and lay an egg. It is Allah, the creator, who has given me the chance to be the mediator to produce you eggs”.
Then, the walnut tree said: If Allah does not will, does not let the rain, or tells the sun to risen, there will be no walnuts on my branches. I am not even sure what I can offer if I was left alone. It is Allah who has created me the mediator of producing walnuts”.

The bee then said: “If Allah does not give power to my wings, I would not fly. If He does not create colorful flowers, I would not be able to collect pollen. Do not think that it is my very special talent to build a honeycomb and hive. It is Allah who has given me this favor to produce you honey”. Eventually, we thought, some have money, some have nuts, some have toys… Everyone should share what she/he has. Not only such concrete things, no! The real generous ones are those who share their love, knowledge, and time.

In the end, we left with prayers: “Oh Allah, let us be among the best ones receiving your approval, and the generous ones! Amen”. Then we started working immediately for next month’s preparations. Now, come on, please, do not stop! Be generous and pay your prayers to Gulberenk.

Yorum Yap