Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk Educational Children Programs, which is a joint study of Gulberenk Values Education Association and Golden Child Magazine, continues with great enthusiasm. In this context, the January program entitled, “I am always on time, as I do my prayers!” took place with hundreds of enthusiastic spectators who traveled the whole way to Gulberenk no matter the freezing and snowy winter.

Being on time is one of the main features of the one who does her/his prayers. Everybody who does her/his prayers regularly gets used to doing a work on time. Because prayers lets one to get accustomed to stick to certain times. As our dear Prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu aleyhi wasallam once said, “The status of prayers in the religion is like the place of the head on the body”. Can you imagine a headless body? If this is not possible, then there should not be a Muslim without her/his prayers.

Gulberenk children spent their time to rest, to have fun, to work and to worship, so they plan their days in such a way that they get sufficient for each of these activities. Especially a Muslim who does her/his prayers five-times a day absolutely would not have free time.

Time can be depicted as “cash”. And a Muslim is the “minute”. That is, having identical two days is missing something important. When the Muslim promised to meet, she/he will not be late and will be there on time. One should improve her/himself constantly, one’s tomorrow should not be the same with today, and today should be better than yesterday.

Day month week, year, time, minutes, seconds and moments… We should keep them all good because otherwise they would fly away like birds. We should be very grateful to our Allah for the blessings of our time. With countless blessings we should spend all our time with works that would please his Highness. As you see, a full-fledged Gulberenk Educational Children’s Program has been left behind and we have returned to our homes with very nice emotions. What will we do now? Of course we will prepare a daily schedule immediately! From now on, we will make the most of our time!

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