Dear Visitors,

As the Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, we continue with Friday Meetings with valuable topics that broaden our horizons. In our meeting this week, we first focused on the idea of ​​resembling Hazrat Abu Bakr radıyallahu anh. We said, undoubtedly, those who can share their wealth for the sake of Allah’s consent and who can believe with a pure heart are the ones closest to his morality.

Our goal in life is to raise our material and spiritual level by working for two worlds in a disciplined manner with the wisdom and possibilities granted by our Allah. It is to be among the lucky believers who have increased his share from the treasure of Allah even more and lived with the effort to earn Paradise in the world that is like the field of the hereafter.

One should make a material and spiritual contribution to the values ​​he believes in, and realize that he can fly by strengthening both of his wings, thus, like Abu Bakr radiyallahu anh, he must be one of the true believers by being equipped with the blessings of our Creator. We have come to the end of another lesson where we meet with love in the healing and peaceful atmosphere of dawn. We turned inside, praying to meet again at the same time next week.

If you also want to take advantage of our program, you can become a member of the Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, and you can review the Membership and Regulation menu on for detailed information and registration.


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