Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk Values Education Association founder president, educator and author Neslihan Nur Turk was in Istanbul for the conference program with the invitation of Gulberenk Istanbul Bees. The conference program entitled “Initially Effort!” started the speech of Nisa-ul Aksa Association’s president Dilek Tekocak who gave information about the current status of the Masjid al-Aqsa. Mrs Tekocak pinpointed what is needed there, what needs to be done. These issues were emphasized in detail. She also referred to Palestine as inhatbiting full of traces of our ancestors and told how the Palestinians love Turkey and the Ottoman heritage.

Then, Mrs. Neslihan Nur Turk told the audience that Masjid-i Aqsa should be at the top of our agenda. We should keep doing the necessary activism and fulfill the requirements. It does not matter small steps or big ones, we should do our best, work hard, produce, leave behind us good deeds, and so on.

Believing that salvation is very close we sang the march “Our Proud Rose / Masjid Al-Aqsa”. The enthusiastically completed program lasted about two hours. At the end of the program held at the Conference Hall of ILAM (Scientific Research Center), Neslihan Nur Turk held conversation with the officials and the participants, then she signed her books and CDs for the participantladies. We would like to thank Gulberenk İstanbul Bees who have contributed to the organization, and wish to meet again and again in many other times.

Yorum Yap