Dear Distinguished Visitors,

Founding President of Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, Educator and Writer Neslihan Nur Turk was in Kutahya for a conference program with the invitation of Golden Child Day Care Center and Children’s Club.

During the conference entitled “Not Without You!”, Mrs. Turk pinpointed on the importance of being aware of the value of being in the caliphate status, the honor of being a ummah of the beloved Prophet and the necessity of practicing his Sunnah.

The program which was organized at the Provincial Directorate of National Education Conference Hall took about two hours.

After the program, attended by a hundred and fifty precious ladies from Kutahya, Mrs. Neslihan Nur Turk signed her books and CDs for the participated ladies and held a conversation with them.

We would like to thank the Golden Child Day Care Center and Children’s Club officials who contributed to the organization and wish to meet again and again in many other good charities.

Yorum Yap