Dear Guests,

Gulberenk Educational Children Programs continue with beautiful and special sections. In our May program we all said, “A Pen Writes, A Paper Gets Filled”. That is, we all have angels on both our shoulders (the right and left angels) who write whatever we do and say. These angels are called the Kiraman Katibin angels. The angel on the right writes the good deeds and the angel on the left records our sins. In fact, these angels start to write to the books of deeds when we grow up. However, still little children should be still careful about their behaviours due to two reasons:

One: One can get used to things that are labeled as sin. If one gets accustomed to doing wrong, it would be hard for him/her to give up when he/she grows up.

Two: To get used to doing the good deeds will give us the strength to continue comfortably when we grow up.
Thereby, a brother said: Zikr, praying and giving charity! Who does all these will not be stranded on the path to truth. Say Bismillah, breath and you will witness the escape of the devils. Moreover, in order for our book of deeds to be full with philantrophy and goodness, we should endeavor ourselves at any moment and follow the righteous track of our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallalahu aleyhi wasallam. We must serve Allah and seek refuge in Him. We should go ahead with love, enthusiasm, zikr, sajdah and submission. Gulberenk was thoroughly colourful again with our educator sister who participated from Samsun, Konya, Ankara, Biga, Gonen, Izmir, Urgup, Nevsehir and Zonguldak. Our friends who took part in the design competition competed with excellent works. Gulberenk was great again! As we were returning to our homes we hoped to meet again in June and recalled the following prayer:

One on my right, one on my left, they write whatever I do one by one! I should be careful and not do whatever comes to my mind. I should not become a slave to all my desires. I must find the radiant path from my beloved Prophet to the ummah!

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