Dear Distinguished Visitors,

Gulberenk Educational Kids Programs, prepared by the Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, took the stage in March under the title “The Hole in the Socks”.

It turns out that concession brings concession, remissness brings regret. The human dehumanizes because of himself or herself. Salaat, fasting, zakat, alms and goodness should be kept tight. Otherwise, it will be taken away, our hearts will lose peace.

We should shield our hands, feet, eyes, ears, tongue, and keep them clean.  If we do not do that, our hearts will be sick.

Negligence and concession are like the hole in the socks. If we do not do it properly and right away, it will grow and ask for a patch. The patched socks would never be the same again. Those who waste the blessing are not able to find the peace.

We must repair our socks with needles and our hearts with repentance. In order to be good, we must both be patient and strive. It is very important to take a lesson from a teacher (“Kamil” a perfect human being here as a teacher) and to make the soul be perfected. Therefore, the world and the hereafter become prospered, and the joy of the two worlds is achieved. 🙂

We have learned very good things in this program. While we were having fun, on the other hand, we contemplated. This is always the case in Gulberenk Programs. Not only the eyes of man, but also their heart is filled with beauty.  🙂

The audience from outside Istanbul also came to the program. We are all very happy with the good news that the programs that left ten years behind in Istanbul will start in Samsung, like in Izmir, Zonguldak, Kutahya and Adana. 🙂

We said “O Allah”, please let us grant to see Gulberenk Programs that reach the whole world. Now the halls are starting to become insufficient. Please grant Gulberenk a beautiful educational complex with a hall of at least one thousand five hundred people. Ameen! 🙂

With hope and loving hearts, we did not get parted; we just went to our homes. We are already curious about the “The Number in Glasses” program that will take place in April! 🙂

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