Dear Valued Visitors,

Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association successfully carried out the first program of 2021. This month, hundreds of families from all over the world listened to the ongoing programs in Telegram / Gulberenk Children’s Group. In this program, in which it is explained that blessings cannot be reached without enduring hardships, we all realized how blessings certain tests, which we call difficult, are actually blessings.

Turns out the fire wasn’t a bad thing. It was an illuminator for darkness, a cook for rawness, a softener for hardness and roughness, a fixer for defects, a cleanser for dirt, and a ripener for roughness. Saying “Bad” for something that has so many benefits could only be the work of self-indulgent and rebellious souls. A person who has been disciplined, has faith in his Lord and intends to understand the wisdoms, can use the words “Difficult and Compelling” for fire at most, without forgetting that trouble is a mercy.

While Allah created fire and tests like fire for us, He certainly intended for our goodness. It was always possible with fire to cook chickpeas, to make meat into kebabs, to boil water and to brew tea, to soften the iron and bring it into shape, to break the microbe and to come clean, to illuminate the road in pitch darkness, and to warm the cold. If the cherry did not endure the hot sun, it would not be able to ripen and become delicious. Man, too, could not reach perfection without enduring burning tests.

Our Lord has said in the 155th verse of Surah Baqarah: “Surely you, with a little fear and hunger; We will be tested with loss of wealth, lives and fruits. Give good news to those who are patient!”.

In order for us to pass the tests successfully, we had to show patience and consent, with the awareness that difficulties are a blessing. Our beloved Prophet, Muhammad Mustafa, peace and blessings be upon him, said: The condition of the believer is worthy of envy and admiration. Because every situation is a good cause for him. Such a characteristic exists only in the believer. If he were to be happy, he would be grateful, it would be good for him. If any trouble befalls him, he will be patient

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, and that will be good for him. ( Muslim, Zuhd – 64 )

When we face tests that challenge us, we should remember the words of our Almighty Lord: “O you who believer! Seek help from Allah with patience and prayer. Surely, He is with those who are patient (Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 153). After hardship is mercy. It was necessary to be like a cook when necessary, and a stove when necessary. With these feelings, we prayed at the end of the program: Oh my god! Grant us the ability to endure difficulties, to be patient with tests, to get rid of our rawness and to be a worthy servant of You. Amen.

If you would like to listen to our programs, you can leave a message on 0542 808 82 58 to register for the Gulberenk Children’s Group.

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