‘Genel’ Kategorisi

Dear Visitors, We continue to meet with the Gulberenk Children during our Before Sleep Programs every weekday evening! Today, in our program, we started to listen to the “Catch it!” song. We thought about how many things our Creator has given His servants! The air we breathe, the wind we feel, the trees, the seas…  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors; As Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, we made a special change in the time of the Lessons From Line To The Heart Sessions, which we hold every week on Thursday night. From now on, we decided to be the smiles of silent and strange days, by making our lessons between 05:00 – 07:00 on  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, We were together in the Gulberenk Children’s Group on the last day of the week. Tonight, while there are good and right works done; we talked about why wrong and ugly ones come to the fore. In order to comprehend this issue, we have previously examined two photographs. There were some things on  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, We were together again in our Before Sleep Program on the first day of the week. We learned valuable knowledge from each other. In the song we listened to, it was saying: “He who performs his prayers in peace and who gives blessings to his Creator…He will really feel peace”. Thus we thought  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association continues with its Before Sleep Programs with great enthusiasm and motivation! During our program tonight, we started by wishing well-being, beauty, health, prosperity from our Beloved Allah. We thought, but we could not finish by counting the blessings of our Almighty. Friendship and love were few of them. It  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, We started our Before Sleep Program tonight by listening to “Come Come Come Look Song”. Its words were as follows: “Come on, come look a tiny bird, it is lying on the ground with its wing broken. In need of your help, it is waiting for you. Come on come look a little  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, Tonight we were together once again during the Before Sleep Program with joy and gratitude. We started our program with the song, “Hole in Sock”. We tried to understand its words by contemplating. It turns out negligence and making concession were like holes in a sock. If we do not do what needs  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, Lectures from Line To The Heart Sessions at our Friday Meetings, prepared by Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, have been taking place between 05:00 and 07:00 since last week, in the silence of the morning and in peace. On this occasion, the happiness and abundance we long for are felt in our hearts! We  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, We started the Before Sleep Program tonight by listening to the “Kite Anthem” with great enthusiasm! All together we sang as follows: “Who are you hanging out with, what are you hanging on? Are you flying or sinking? Is it taking you to the bottom or to the skies? What are you affected  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, After a two-day break, we were together once again, thankfully and joyfully. Today during the Before Sleep Program, we talked about the “Hijab” issue. We thought and contemplated… Hazelnuts, walnuts, watermelons, melons, tomatoes, cucumbers, lemons, oranges and many other things that we cannot count, had a shell that preserves the essence. The shell  [ Read More ]