Dear Precious Members,

In October, Gulberenk presented its audience of Istanbul the program with the theme “Frugality”. This month, the second Prophet Idris aleyhissalam’s “needle” came out of the Time Umbrella. The needle told us that the prophet was person who took the pains as a taylor and constantly did zikhr, and had a peaceful heart.

Karagoz and Hacivat said, “Keep a Thing Seven Years and You Will Find a Use For It!”, they both advised us to value what we have and warned us not to waste the blessings received. Doctor Mrs. Maharet showed how the fabrics and the spare items we have should not be thrown away, on the contrary could be turned into useful things. We watched with surprise how the burned pan turned into a mirror, a can of boxes turned into a napkin box and pencil case, dried grapefruit shells turned into a beautiful board. Especially the basket of flowers made of peanut shells was worth seeing.

Two important names were guests in the program: Piggy Bank and Shilling. The “Shilling” who felt very worthless, smiled for the first time in his life after what Piggy Bank said. Turns out that one should not bellitle a small amount, never underestimate even a penny. A shilling should be appreciated too. Besides, we will not be able to buy bread if our money was missing five cents. Moreover, when the cents come together, they would turn into a huge amount of money. Then Piggy Bank said, “Money is not everything, let us not forget this!”.

Yes friends! We should be frugal; but we should not confuse this with being stingy. We will not be the only ones who fall into the problem of accumulation and forget to help the people in need. Now, it is time to work hard for the new program! We said too much.
Let us roll it up!

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