Dear Distinguished Members,

Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs continue to be held with various surprises each month. Following the “Barbeque Meatballs” program in September, we took to the stage in two different places in Izmir with the program entitled “Rain in the Clouds” in October.

The clouds hide rain droplets in themselves. These lovely little droplets would then rain to the earth when the time arrives. Right after this, all living things that are in need of water would get happy. For us, people really do resemble clouds. Every human being carries various capabilities with which they can be beneficial to their environments.

Our beloved Allah created each individual by forming them with different virtues and abilities.

It is very important for us to discover and realize what we could do. Some of us would have the capability towards mathematics, some to paint. Some would have tendency to rhythms and movements, some to writing and speaking. In some people there is a tendency towards trading and in others there is a talent towards art. Every human being is a blessing with her/his features and capabilities.

And if it does not rain, the drops would be imprisoned in the cloud, and the whole universe would be longing for water. We should not be stuck in ourselves, and use all our capabilities.

As the song puts forward:

“You are a blessing, you are a treasure, you are valuable / You must discover your capabilities, and be very, very thankful. You must lead your path with vigor, balance and with courage. Laziness, cowardice, misbehaviours do not belong to you. You must rain, if you rain, you must puff if you are dough. You should blossom if you are a flower, if you are a pen you must write / If you are the rhythm you must get excitement/ If you are a seagull, you should fly. / Do not say I can not, try! / Do not say I can not find, try to find! Try not to stop! / Do not spare your capabilities/ Do not waste your hard work”.

Thereby, we came up with a great decision! We said that we will discover the gift that our beloved Allah has given us and we will mobilize it for the sake of Allah!

Meanwhile, we hope to stage all our programs around Turkey and even in all countries around the Globe. We would not stop dreaming and pray for this, no, no, we have not said goodbye, we just went to our homes to be back soon! 🙂

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