Dear Precious Members,

Let us start our word by offering respect to all our sisters and brothers who are fasting enthusiastically and patiently these days, as the month of Ramadan coincides with such hot summer days! Gulberenk after its programs in Duzce, Kastamonu and Trabzon tours elaborated on the “Ramadan and Fasting” theme this month in Istanbul. The kid who was doing taekwondo and had not leave even a bit of his energy said, “Fasting can not hinder me doing my sport, in fact, it gives me more energy!”.

Then the game started, a child who was very fond of eating told about the difficulties he was experiencing during his very first fasting. The boy looked so cute with a loaf of bread he had held all day. Whenever he tried to get a bite of the bread by thinking, “Well, no one will see it,” suddenly someone would warn him, “No one sees it, true, but Allah sees it!”.

With the help of the butterfly, the turtle and the clock the child waited in patience until the sunset. You should have seen how happy he was when the evening prayer was recited. Karagoz was also among the ones who could not bear hunger. To Hacivat he said, “I see your nose as a carrot, your cheeks seem like apples, I see your fingers like dolma!”. And everyone started to laugh.

After the drummer said, “Ramazan has arrived!”. He told us how fasting was greatly important to teach us patience and emphatize with the hungry. You see, it was once again a very enriching and beautiful program. With this program, our 2011 – 2012 period ended. The Gulberenk team, rolled up their sleeves for the 2012 – 2013 period! We will announce the new program topics and where we will take the stage in the new period, from here and our website. Now, we will start working and you pray for us! Goodbye!

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