Dear Guests, Gulberenk Values Education Association Founding President, Educator and Writer Neslihan Nur Turk was invited to Nevsehir for a Conference Program organised by Gulberenk Nevşehir Arıları. At the conference based on time discipline and consciousness, it was highlighted that muslims should have gained time consciousness. A muslim who regularly prays improves her/his time consciousness.  [ Read More ]

Dear Guests, Gulberenk Values Education Association Founder president, trainer and educator Neslihan Nur Turk was in Konya for two conference programs. With the invitation by Konya Arilari (Konya Bees) Gulberenk was present at the conference entitled “Time Discipline”. The conference focused on the importance, programming and value of time. Another emphasis was on the effect  [ Read More ]

Dear Guests, Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs, prepared by Gulberenk Values Education Association, continue to be staged in Izmir on the last Sunday of each month! Gulberenk Izmir team recently performed its twelfth program. Our July program was entitled “Plop Plop Icecream”. Through the program our tagline was “You are human, you are a Muslim! You  [ Read More ]

Dear Guests, Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs, prepared by Gulberenk Values Education Association, of each month continue to be performed as follows: First Saturday / Sunday of each month in Istanbul, and another program is staged on the last Sunday in Izmir. Our August program was entitled “The Tailed Kite” and we said “One should not  [ Read More ]

Dear Guests, Gulberenk team continues to work with love, eagerness and vigor. We have updated our dates and subjects of the 2018-2019 Gulberenk Educational Children’s Program! Stay tuned during the whole season to follow up dates and subjects of each program, keep track through the main page of our website. Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs of  [ Read More ]

Dear Guests, Gulberenk Values Education Association Founder President, Educator and Writer Neslihan Nur Turk was in Adana for a conference program with the invitation of Fasl-i Bahar Social Welfare, Education, Culture and Art Assocation. The day started with a morning conversation with educators on duty and entrust. In the afternoon a conference took place based  [ Read More ]

Dear Guests, Gulberenk Values Education Association Founder President, Educator and Writer Neslihan Nur Turk, was in Ankara with the invitation of volunteers and members for a concert program. The program was staged on Saturday for ladies and on Sunday it was performed for children. All the songs lead a route towards conteplation. The programs were  [ Read More ]