Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk made the opening of the 2013-2014 period with the “Shahadah Sister Program”. The next September program, through which we talked about the kelimatu-shahadah, was followed by greatly enthusiastic and interested audiences.

We have learned that it is not enough to say La Ilaha Ilallah. For a true faith, one has to say Ashhadu an La Ilaha Illallah wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasuluhu. The meaning of this saying is:
“There is no god but Allah. Again, I believe that the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam is His servant and Messenger”.

The one who are followers of this sentence and those who died as Muslims are saved forever. Muslims would be thoughtful, wise, slender, generous and devoted. They do their prayers, fast regularly, they do not let anything interfere their zakah and alms. In other words, it is not enough to just say the kalimatu-shahadah, it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of being a Muslim.

Those who disrespect their parents, who are abusive and nasty, those who behave rude to plants, animals and inanimate beings, are those who have not understand Islam for sure. In fact, a Muslim would behave politely and gracefully not only to people, but also flowers, insects, notebooks, books, even to their shoes.

Every Muslim has two important tasks, such as reading the Qur’an and trying to live according to the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu aleyhi and wasallam. We should feed our hearts not only with the verses, but also with the hadiths, which make it easier for us to understand the verses.

The beautiful animals in the Shahadah Sister’s farm has given us such good lessons, the songs and the contest were so beautiful again that we were sorry for the ones who missed them. We were hopefull for the preparations for the October program, and again excited and filled with lots of smiles!

To your notice: Gulberenk Values Education Association has started to work with great effort. Mothers who want to actively serve in this association should call the number below and give their names and contact information.

Note: This announcement is for everyone who has given her/his heart to Gulberenk in Turkey and abroad.
Tel: 0544 807 88 79

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