Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk’s April was very lovely and enriching. In the program entitled “Your Order is My Command”, we said that Allah commands the good while our innerselves and evil command the bad.
Order means instruction. Parents can command their children, the teacher puts her/his orders to students, the directors does the same to her/his laborers, the commander gives orders to his soldiers, and so the Prophet can give orders to his ummah. However, if it starts to be the opposite, that is, if the world reverses, peace and order will be lost. The Evil would love this reversal.

The Evil will order the following:
Eat too much, sleep a lot, talk a lot. Meet everyone without selecting who is good or bad. Love laziness, do not do your prayers! What is fasting, do not fast! Do not you have your own mind, hang out by yourself, do not allow anyone control you! Your mother, father, teacher, these are all weirdooosss!!!

When Satan commands you to do evil, the righteous believer will reject him.
Let us see what Allah commands us:
Eat less, sleep less, talk less. Meet with the good and stay away from the bad. Be diligent, do your prayers regularly. Be wise! Have nice opinions in your mind. Respect your mother, your father, your teacher. Prohibit evil, order and wish the good!
When Allah has commanded all these righteous behaviours, the believer would accept and obey and say:
“Your Order is My Command! Your Order is My Command! Who accepts your orders will have peace, serenity, and will find heaven!”.

When a voice whispers us doing bad things, we should not forget that this is the voice from the dark part of our soul or from the devil.

Ladies from Adana, Balikesir, Biga, Zonguldak, Izmir, Samsun, Kocaeli and Kutahya have brought us beautiful colors. Our sister’s journey towards becoming a hodja of Adana is counting down now!

Meanwhile, we left our nineteenth month in İzmir and the seventh month in Zonguldak. as you see, we have worked hard again! We praised Allah who engaged us in such good deeds. We wished for the appreciation of Gulberenk services from Allah the Supreme.
And in May we wish to see you all in the “Squash Blossoms” program, we did not merely leave, we went to our houses to be back soon.

Yorum Yap