Dear Visitors,

Tonight, we were happy and grateful in our Before Sleep Program. We talked about “Civility”. It turns out that decency means being ashamed and settled. At the same time, it was delusion and kindness. We learned that… The decency of talking, sleeping and eating was to have them less, concise and proper. We should not eat the food that Allah forbade us as haram, do not do bad and ugly deeds, and sleep when He forbids. When man is decent towards Allah, he avoids sinning, avoids doing wrong deeds and tries to live without forgetting that He saw him everywhere. If we knew that we had a camera behind us and we were constantly being watched, we would pay attention to our sitting, taking off and every behavior.

In fact, Allah always sees and watches us everywhere. The elders used the term “Divine Camera” to draw our attention to this truth and wanted to make it easier for us to understand. We should always live with this consciousness, be decent even when we are alone, and behave properly and politely whether others see us or not. Say “Lillah while starting our every job; that means, we do it for Allah’s sake. Indeed, Allah is the one who deserves the greatest respect, the deepest love and the most sincere gratitude.

It turns out that people who are accustomed to behave in a rude way when alone, find it difficult to be decent in society. Because it would not be easy for a person to do what he is not used to. If we do not accustom ourselves to living right and decent, we usually do it wrong. If we can protect our eyes from bad images, our ears from rumors and ugly speeches, our tongue from false words, our hands and feet from illicit deeds; then we would have followed the trust. At that time, we would not have been in a situation that required us to repent. Repentance is a promise that the sin or crime that has been committed will not be done again. If a person sins intentionally or unknowingly, if she/he has a mind, she/he should definitely repent.

In order for repentance to be accepted, the following conditions have to be fulfilled:

  1. A sincere regret for her/his mistakes; that is, to be ashamed.
  2. To see her/his sins “hating and returning to them again”, as terrible as going into fire.
  3. To support and strengthen repentance by doing righteous deeds.
  4. Do not forget that repentance requires the acceptance of Allah.
  5. Not being hopeless about repentance.
  6. Not to postpone repentance even for a moment.

If we fulfill these conditions, we will be doing repentance with decency and civility. This is how it ended… This evening, too, we learned a lot of good knowledge. We went to our bed hoping and praying to meet again on Monday evening.

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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