Dear Visitors,

As Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, we continue with our Before Sleep Programs with enthusiasm and joy! On our show tonight, we all listened to the “Collect Collect and Tidy Up Song”. Some of the lyrics of the song that cheered us up were as follows:

“Rooms, cabinets, toys, hairpins,

Beads, papers, pens, books,

Slippers, sweaters, prayer beads, socks,

Thoughts, emotions can dissipate.

This can be confusing, anything can happen.

Pack it together!

The heart can interfere with this, anything can happen.

Pack it together!

Do not walk around in a messy way!”.

We learned that an individual should use his/her time very well. This would only be possible if she/he kept his/her surroundings in order. For example, when we are going to do a study, first of all, we should move the materials we need to a close location and collect them, as we get messy we need to collect them which will make our job much easier. In addition, we should not allow our minds to be distracted in order to do justice to our useful endeavors. That is, we have to act in a planned way. When we put our works in order according to a certain schedule, we could both fit more activities into a day and be more efficient.

As children of Gulberenk, we should set ourselves goals that will be a means of joy in the world and in the hereafter, and we should pray with enthusiasm and love to our Allah on this issue. We should have given our time by behaving in accordance with our Allah. Thus, we can always live in peace, hope, vigorous and alive!

At the end of our program tonight, we decided to make a daily, weekly and annual program. Then we put on our pajamas. We said goodnight to those in the house and miswaked our teeth. We combed our hair and returned to our right and slept.

If you want to take advantage of Before Sleep in the light of good information, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.



Writer: Merve Doganci / Balikesir

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