Gülberenk Songs / Anthems 2 Coming!!!

Gülberenk Songs / Anthems 2, an important effort for our values to live

In this album, the pen and the heart of Neslihan Nur TÜRK

Râbiâ Kımırtı, Hümâ Koç, Sümeyye Demirel, Zeynep Sâre Pazar and the beautiful voices of Meryem Şirin

The art and mastery of Fatih Ihlamur

Cihat Akyildiz, Ali Aydinlar, Turker Listener, Turgut Ozgurler, Mustafa Tabak, Elif Canfeza Gunduz, Mehmet Uzun and Konak Group

And Omer Turk’s elegant design came together

For young volunteers and young volunteers who have not lost their energy
Children and Adults who could keep their innocence

Gülberenk Production


For information and information: 0544 807 88 79

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