Dear Visitors,

Our Before Sleep Program, prepared by Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, continues with all its excitement! Every day a new one is added to what we have learned! It turns out that prayer is the pillar of the religion, the heir of the believer and the most important difference of the Muslims. If you do your prayers timely and with awe; that is, if you do it properly, you both feel peaceful and your morals become better.

Sometimes our inner voice tells us not to perform prayers, speaks without silence and captures our minds. It turns out that that voice that suggests wrong and bad things to us belongs to the nafs and the devil. Fortunately, when we took Ezu Basmalah, the devil escaped; However, it was not easy to control the soul. For this reason, we had to get education from an excellent guide and educate ourselves.

We heard that Satan could never harm sincere servants. While thinking about what “falsification” means; we have learned that it means “to question God’s consent only in all his actions and words.”

Our Allah would love us very much if we obey Allah’s orders, avoid what He forbids and increase our good deeds for His sake. We learned that if we throw even a couple of liras into our bank with pure intention, Allah would give His blessings. For this reason, we have intended to increase our good deeds with sincerity and faith!

We were excited to hear that we could deposit the money we have saved for families who do not have firewood and coal in the official account of Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association on Friday! After this good news, we shared both the photo of our banks and our joy!

Hoping that the money we have saved from our hearts will bring joy to the needy, we cheered! We thank our Creator who has given us this opportunity! Then, we fulfilled our duties before we went to sleep peacefully and went to our beds with the prayer of being together again on Friday evening!

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 05428088258 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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