Dear Visitor,

Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs, prepared by Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, continue to take the stage in Zonguldak on the last Sunday of every month!  We learned what it was like to talk less and live more in the “Hurray Program”. It turns out that instead of talking blankly, it was necessary to do good deeds. It turns out that one should talk with the state/posture, not with words. It would be necessary not to miss it, to make good use of the opportunities we have and to try to do justice to our good deeds.

We had to listen, rest, and work while we had our mind, health and strength together. Thus, we should have left a trace and live a lot. Time is short, the end is near. We should not forget this, we should be clean, proper, moral and high quality. We have to do certain things, we must cultivate it, and reinforce our faith at every opportunity. We should live with trust, gratitude, hope, enthusiasm, not clatter like an empty tin, keep quiet and speak appropriately. We should have asked ourselves, “What way do you want to live, what are you living for?”. And then we should try to live for Allah, with contemplation, decency. We should not forget that we need to be one with our hearts, our state, our mold and our belief, we should be filled with care and sincerity.

In this program, we repeated enthusiastically: Hurray! Be yourself, live the moment! Follow the Qur’an and sunnah, live the glorious grant! Hurray! Talk less and live more! Follow the Quran and sunnah, live the almighty Islam!

During the program which we watched with admiration, we were determined to leave idle talk and increase our useful works. We intended to spend the life our Creator has given us in accordance with His approval and to know the value of every minute granted to us.

Gulberenk Zonguldak team successfully completed another program. We will meet again, we just went home to meet at the Gulberenk Educational Children’s Program titled “The Literate”.

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