Dear Visitors,

We started the Before Sleep Program tonight by listening to the “Word of Martyrdom Song”. “Those who are Muslims find peace. Those who die a Muslim will be saved forever”, we said.

We then thought together. Many of the people have started to switch from WhatsApp application to Telegram. Because their personal information, messages and shares would be confiscated. This was a very bad and dangerous situation.

However, nobody had the right to intervene in the private life of others. Every servant had a special space between him and Allah, and here everyone should be alone with their own conscience. As Muslims, we should never leave each other in a difficult situation and avoid entering the right of servants. We should surrender to our Creator by bringing the Word of Martyrdom and find peace. Our ultimate goal in the world should have been to gain his consent and attain salvation forever.

So, we ended our program hoping to meet again on Wednesday evening. We miswaked our teeth. After combing our hair, we read the chapters of Ihlas, Falaq and Nas, returned to our right and slept.

If you want to join our good, dear and well-intentioned listeners, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Merve Doganci

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