We started our Before Sleep Program tonight by listening to the “Number in Glasses Song”. Some of its words were as follows:

“People think we only have two eyes.

People are wrong, we also have heart eyes.

Two in the head, one in the heart; we have three eyes in total.

We have a few words about them in this song.”


We all thought together, but how many blessings Allah has given us? In order for us to see the beauties he created, for example, our miraculous eyes have served many more treats.

Our Almighty wishes his servants to see his works in the universe both with the eyes of his head and heart, and to approach him with this occasion. Because, in order to be always peaceful and happy, man has been in need of believing in Him and finding Him. So, our Allah always wants the good of his servants.

Some eyes, even though they are in good health, could not see and grasp the wisdom of anything that was created. For example, a person who looks at wood with the eye of his head only perceives it as an object. Yet wood for those who see with the eyes of the heart; it was a magnificent miracle that transformed from tiny seeds to tree trunks, from huge logs into pieces of fuel thrown into the fire to keep others warm! In addition, it has been a creation that becomes furniture, parquet, book, pen and paper by going through various processes, and when it burns down, it is a cleanser!

As Gulberenk Children, we asked ourselves the following questions after our reflection on wood: “Can I be as useful as wood to my environment? What am I good for in this world? What do those who look at me feel? “. Then we prayed to our Creator so that we could see His creations with both the eyes of our head and our heart. We went to our beds hoping to meet again on Friday evening.

If you want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 05428088258 for free registration and information.


Writer: Merve Doganci

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