Dear Visitors,

After a two-day break, we were happy and thankful again during our Before Sleep Program! We both learned new knowledge and contemplated! First of all, we transferred the money we have saved so that a family in need can buy wood and coal to the official account of Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, with the statement of “Donation”. Then, we shared our receipts and what we felt while saving those money in our group with great happiness and excitement! And we thought, “I could throw more money into my piggy bank!”. There were those who thought on this and got sad. In the song we listened to it said, “The little thing is many, there is no belittlement!”. Thus we got all happy to hear this because when our tiny liras accumulate and our Allah gives us blessings, very good things can happen.

If we do not indulge ourselves and get whatever we want, we do not spend unnecessarily and run away from waste. We could save a lot of money and then use them for good deeds and good works. As it turns out, our Allah, the Most High, never loved interest. For this reason, we had to deposit our money in banks that were helpful. This was very important to keep our earnings clean.

Tonight, when we learned this good knowledge and thought that our brothers and sisters who were cold would get warm, we were relieved! We are very happy that we are partners with this good, albeit small, with our sincerity and good will! We thank our Creator, who gave us these beauties! Then, we made our ablution and performed our prayers. We miswaked our teeth and combed our hair. We kissed those in the house and said goodnight. We went to bed and read the Surahs of Falaq, Nas and Ihlas. Then we turned to our right and slept peacefully!

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 05428088258 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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