Dear Visitors,

In Before Sleep Program this evening, we talked about believing and taking beautifully shelter in Allah. Faith was to trust and to believe sincerely. Every human being was born with the need to believe. Those who believe in the beloved Prophet and his creator Allah would be free, brave and strong. Those who believe in themselves, their interlocutors and the correctness of their work find the strength to strive and achieve. It was very important not only to believe, but also to be a person who is believed and trusted in. People who look as who they are, who are what they seem, and who try to live by obeying Allah’s orders and prohibitions, are always trustworthy.


Some people would not be the same when compared to their hearts. These are hypocrites who disguised their bad intentions with a smile. This is not a good thing. Therefore, Children of Gulberenk always pray the following, “Oh Allah, purify me from the inside and outside. Make me a straightforward, beautiful person!”. Then she/he will use all her/his strength for good deeds. He/she will never say, “I can not”, but will try to do it. Anyway, if our intention is definite, Allah would help us.


It is very important to be silent where one should be silent and to speak out where one should speak. For example, one should be warning people in a place where there is gossip; however, in a place where prayers are performed, it is necessary to be quiet in order not to distract. We should respectfully listen to our mother, father and teacher when she/he says something to us. If we expect respect, we should first choose to be respectful. We can be a respectable person if we do not talk one idle issues and ask unnecessary questions.


Moreover, being able to make correct and respectable speeches is also about faith. It turns out that a person can speak best of what she/he believes in and knows about. If we have an opinion on a matter with full faith, we can tell that issue from the heart without looking at the book, which is very important to us. If a person has gained our full confidence in what she/he does and will do, we can defend him/her wholeheartedly. Our faith should make us brave and strong especially against those who talk nonsense about our Allah and our beloved Prophet.


The more people believe, the more their love and respect increase. For example, the more we believe in our mother, the more we love and respect her. When we learned this, we prayed: “My Allah! Do not embarrass our mothers, fathers or elders against us. Make them righteous, honest, honorable and faithful people. Amen.” This prayer has been very important. Because a person can only tell her/his problems to those she/he trusts and believes.


Believing will bring sharing both trouble and joy. If we experience something abnormal at school or outside and we have trouble, we should definitely tell our elders, whom we believe to be trustworthy. Otherwise, we could suffer even greater harm. No matter how much we believe in someone, no matter how much we love someone, we should never have trusted enough to transgress the limits of Allah. If we go beyond the halal circle of Allah, we may have trouble even with the people we trust the most.


A Gulberenk Child believes in himself/herself and in Allah with sincerity, tries to protect the borders, does good deeds and works. In any case, believing in ourselves is believing in Allah’s grace. Because it is Allah, the Almighty, who has created us, made us alive and equipped us with so many abilities. After contemplating all this, when we laid down and turned to our right sides, we said yes yes, our other friends should listen to these programs, absolutely!

Yorum Yap