Dear Visitors,

As Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, we continue our Sessions “From Line to The Heart” in our Friday Meetings during the peaceful hours of dawn. This week during our contemplation, we deepened our focus on a child who needs his/her mother, including his/her birth, eating and drinking, clothing and cleaning. Then, as she/he grew older, she/he turned to her/his own preferences, her/his own truths and ideas… She/He was in a state of objection and rebellion against her/his parents… On the other hand, she/he shouted orders to them, “Tidy up the bed! Brew the tea! I want that too, and that!”. We dreamed about this painfully.

Then, we looked at the same situations from the perspective of the human being that was created by Allah, the only owner of the universe. His/Her rebellions, disrespect and slanders against Allah… How Allah’s orders and prohibitions were taken lightly… Besides, we remembered how great Our Creator’s patience and mercy was.

In fact, we realized with horror that our rebellious son or daughter is a mirror to us, and our soul who complains about Allah is like those grumpy children. After that, we were intent on rectifying our own flaws beforehand with all our efforts.

Thus, we have come to the end of another lesson of the invaluable drops of wisdom that fall on our feelings. We said fairwel with the prayer of meeting at the same time next week! We passed on to live what we learned.

If you want to benefit from the live examples of notions of contemplation, science and brother and sisterhood, you can call 0554 530 11 08 for free registration and information.


Writer: Merve Doganci

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