Dear Visitors,

As Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, we excitedly continue with the sessions “From Line to The Heart” in the fertile moments of the morning! In the beginning, we first talked about what we have experienced in the past week about our charitable activity that we have been preparing with pure intentions. In this passage, we all saw together that we deeply feel the glory and mercy of our Allah, the surrender, the inner peace, the peace of the soul, the gratitude, the faith and the truth.

To be together and accomplish good deeds requires belief first. Believing is both easy and refreshing and difficult at the same time. We do not have huge possibilities, we have tiny little drops; however, we said, Allah gives so much blessing to those tiny drops that we get surprised.

We continued to contemplate… We thought about the richness of finding opportunities with the power of belief, being determined, capable and determined, and valuing knowledge and experience. We remembered that real service men would emerge from persons who proceed with their own means, pay the price even at the expense of enduring difficulties, do not spare their property and lives for the sake of receiving the paradise, and do not produce excuses.

At the end of our session, we sent prayers to our Lord for the company of righteous comrades, after we had done many good deeds, and wished to be placed in the grave with joy after having done all the good deeds. Thus, after having said “Bismillah” we returned to our works of good deeds.

If you would like to attend our session in which we gain multiple sips of wisdom and reflect the material and spiritual abundance of pure intentions and skilled actions, you can call 0554 530 11 08 for free registration and information.



Merve Doganci / Balikesir

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