Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk left behind a colorful show with Hafız Efendi program.
In this program we all understood what is precious and how important it is to memorize the Qur’an and to live according to it. It is not easy to memorize the Qur’an; but those who accomplish this hard work are given many good news!

There was an educational institution called “Yuzaki”. Rose said: “My friend Hyacinth is living in the yard of the Yuzaki. She explains how those who have memorized the Qur’an are clean and well behaved”.

The ant then said, “Yes, yes I know Yuzaki. I had been frequently visiting the kitchen; but I almost died of starvation, of hunger. Because the ones who were students here practised the sunnah and cleaned their plates beautifully with no crumbs. The teachers of Yuzaki were also very devoted. They did not care about the day or night, they were always busy with their students.

The mother of Keloglan then said: “Those who have memorized the Qur’an live according to the sunnah without any problems. Those who love Allah the Almighty, love the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam too. Live according to the Qur’an means living the sunnah. And all this demands patience and sacrifice.

In Gulberenk, the winners of the Waste Recycling Competition have been announced. Artist Nilay Silan, the art teacher Muge Dayioglu and the educator Sule Tugcu took role as the jury in the finals through which each of the beautiful works competed. Yusuf Fatih Kimirti from Fatih (Istanbul) took the third place with his car, Zehra Nur Erbas from Ankara took the second place with her chandelier, and Hatice Melek Cilek from Umraniye (Istanbul) was awarded the first place with her night light project.

In the appreciation certificate for the participants, the following were written:

“You have participated to the Waste Recycling Competition organized by Gulberenk Values Education Association. This is a very precious effort. It was very nice and special that you were willing to think and produce. After starting a good work, it is not easy to complete it in patient, and you succeeded this difficult task. We wish you spend your whole life doing such good and useful works and would like to congratulate you for your hard work and determination!”.

The third prize winner gained 150 Turkish Liras, the second one 300 TL, and the first prize winner received 500 TL. The awards were presented by Ms. Berna Oncirak Gemici and Ms. Derya. Comments by the students who attended the program:
Bilal, “I am six years old. I liked Keloglan the most. I learned everything in this program.
Oznur Eryilmaz said, “I am ten years old. I liked Rose the most. In this program, I learned that the sunnah of the Prophet and the cleaning of our plates (leaving no crumble) is sunnah.

We said goodbye to each other with very nice feelings. We have already begun to think about the preparations of the new program! So let us, as the Gulberenk team start doing our work on the scenario, task distribution, costume and decor of the Aunt Sefkat Program. Hope to be together again next month! Gooodddbyeeee!

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