Dear Valued Guests,

In the Online Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programme, we were on the stage in front of our guest with the programme tited as ” One Messy One Regular”. We contemplated on many things.

It turnes out that being consistent is very important.

We cannot get a good product from the messy,  parselwise and irregular works; but we can make good things by regular works.

Despites, marble which is a strong stone, resistant to outer forces, a regular water drop can carve it. Hence, it is not the water’s force of gravity but the regularity of the drops changes the surface of marble.

Flowers wither when they do not get regular water, students do not get good marks if they do not study systematically. If we do not tidy our homes, it gets messy: when we do not clean our rooms periodically, dust will fly in the air.

If we do not brush our teeth with miswak, they turn yellow and carious. If we do not comb our hair, they will be disheveled. If we do not cut our nail, they will be longer and seem dirty. We should clean our bodies not to invite the diseases.

Not just in our own works!

We have to be very decent in our worships. For example, giving charity could be in small amounts but has to be regular. We have to be always on the path of Allah Almighty, perform our prayers without delay, our tongues should get used to say dua  all the times, because good works become valuable when they perfomed regularly.

Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) said: “and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little.”(Muslim, Musaphereen, 218). We understood that, the most important one is to progress patiently and do as much as we can within the borders of our ability.

There you go…. After valuable information and priceless contemplations, we asked Our Lord: “O Our Lord, make us steady and consistent in the works You love and You like them to be performed by your servants”. Ameen.


If you want to join our programmes, you can call us from this number: +90 534 245 18 08

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