Dear Valued Guests,

Gulberenk Educational Chilren’s Programmes have been continuing online after stage programes are over. This month our title is “One Sepertated One Togerher”. We all contemplated on the followings:

Good manners like being honest, generous, goodness, hardworking, love and respect should never been left.  Bad manners like being naughty, lazy, stingy, gossip, jealousy and lying should have been far away.

We can be together in ideas, in heart  and in emotions even though we are in seperate places. Distances are not obstacles for being together. Being together is blessing, being seperated is hardship.

In this issue, Our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that: “Adhere to the Jama’ah, beware of separation, for indeed  satan is with one, and he is further away from two. Whoever wants the best place in Paradise, then let him stick to the Jama’ah. ” (Tirmizi, Fetan,7).

As you understand, what we should do is to be on the path of Allah Almighty and never leave this path, be try to be together with the good people.

If you want to join our programmes, you can call us from this number: +90 534 245 18 08


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