Dear Gulberenk Followers,

Gulberenk Values Education Association founder, president, educator and writer Neslihan Nur Turk, likewise in different provinces around Turkey, continues her conference programs in Istanbul too. Over the year, Mrs. Turk gained the admiration of the tens of thousands of participant ladies with her different style with regard to her presentations in program prepared in cooperation with a myriad of valuable foundations and associations.

One of these collaborations is the “Smiling Meetings” conducted by Gulberenk in collaboration with TUGAP. The second one of the “Smiling Meetings”, which takes place once in two months in Istanbul, has been realized successfully. Announcement below to be seen. Here is the news text of the 2nd Smiling Meetings on the TUGAP site:

“On the date of 15.02.2014, the “Smiling Meetings” have been realized with the presentation of Neslihan Nur TURK. The program was conducted with the collaboration of Gulberenk and TUGAP in Kalem College. At this month’s Smiling Meeting “Trust” was discussed. Questions were the following: What is trust? From whom does it come? How can we take care of something entrusted to us? What are things entrusted in terms of material and spiritual? Answers to these questions were conveyed to the audience through a narrative language based on theatrical and musical branches. Neslihan Nur Turk made everyone both laugh and think through the whole program. Hope to meet you at the “Smiling Meetings 3” on April 26, 2014”.

For more information about TUGAP, please contact: www.

Yorum Yap