Dear Visitors,

Our Before Sleep Program continues with all its enthusiasm in the Gulberenk Children’s Group! Tonight, we started our program by listening to the Sunnah March. Then, we prayed “Oh Allah, let us live in peace and blessing like our beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu aleyhi wassallam.

Our Bee sisters have made the final preparations with joy and excitement today. Thankfully, they delivered the gift packages they prepared for African students. We thanked Zehra, who took care of those students in the Fasl-i Bahar Girls’ Qur’an Course, for being a means to do this goodness. Moreover, we learned a lot of information from her: It turns out that they (the Africans) were in great need of love and luck, because malicious people have exploited their lands. That is why they could not easily trust anyone. For this reason, it is very important for Muslims to be friends with them, to treat them, to show love. Therefore, the gift packages prepared by the Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association have been actually very valuable. These treats, which seemed small to us, have had a great source of joy for them.

It also turns out that they live in very difficult and bad conditions. Even their homes are not like ours. They have made them from the earth, and when the monsoons rain on their homes floods destroy them. Then, they have to make new ones. There are no sewage pits where the clean water flows from the fountains and dirty water is kept away. For this reason, many people die from epidemic. Hearing these, many questions arose in our hearts! Together we thought, what else can we do for them?

Thus, we realized that helping people in need is a very nice thing. It is even more valuable to offer treats to students who have come to learn Islam. Zehra sister asked the African sisters what they think of the Turks, thereupon they have replied: “Allah seems to love Turks very much, because there are many fountains in their homes and clean water flows from all of them”. We thought that we often do not know the value of those waters and waste them. We do not even feel grateful and rebel very often.

Since we have a teacher like a great sycamore, we have more beauties and our Creator gives us so many good things.

We are so grateful to Allah for making us the disciple of brave, compassionate and thoughtful elders and for opening such a beautiful door of charity! Tonight, we learned such precious information. We listened to “Let us Help, Help” song with great enthusiasm and thus ended our program. No no, we have not parted today either! We hoped to meet again tomorrow and we went to our bed with prayers.

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer Hatice SAGLAM

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