Dear Visitors,

Our “From Line to The Heart” sessions continue to take place in our Friday Meetings Group and become a means of contemplation and (r)evolution. We started our lesson this week with a survey. We asked our participants whether they were aware of the services of Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association. We received positive responses from many of them, and then asked them to tell them what benefits they saw from the work done.

Our participants stated that Gulberenk albums gave them peace of mind, that while many of the social media networks had useless and harmful contents, they felt the importance of such services of Gulberenk better and told their relatives and friends, and they added that they wanted to be beneficial in this way. By answering other question in a sincere way, they expressed their contributions and efforts towards these services so far. We asked them to be more diligent in contributing to Gulberenk services, for their own good.

As a result of the surveys and the questionnaire section, we have better understood that Gulberenk services are like spiritual food. Thereby we said, “May Allah help all Muslims in this matter”.

In the remaining time, we answered the personal questions of our participants in a short and concise manner. “May Allah grant sisterhood and brotherhood in two worlds together under the flag of His Beloved Prophet!”. We ended our session by praying. Of course, we did not say goodbye again, we just went on an expedition to our essences!

If you want to benefit from this course, you can call 0554 530 11 08 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

Yorum Yap