Dear Visitors,

In the Before Sleep Program tonight, we talked about the halal circle, which is the source of peace, joy, faith and security. As it turns out, there was human rights, law, gratitude, prayer, fasting, submission, precaution, salvation, well-being, peace of mind, safety, satisfaction, health, success, joy, comfort, trust, faith, peace and tranquility in the halal circle! Those who want the beautiful, the good and the truthworthy should never leave this circle.

Whereas outside this circle, there have been such things as denial, rebellion, shirk, doubt, harm, loss, evil, drunkenness, hell, deceit, anxiety, misfortune, lie, loss, sadness, grief.


Thereby, we thought… For example, who would want to lose while making a profit? Who would want to fall into a bad situation while goodness stands so close, and even evil when goodness stands again so close? Who would want to lose when one can win, to be unhappy when you can be happy, to be deceived when you can believe? Who wants despair when there is hope; going to hell when there is heaven, and feeling uneasy when there is peace? Who would want to rebel, lie, dirty money while there is truth, honesty, money with interest?


In fact, the halal circle is sufficient for peace. Our Almighty Allah has made several things halal and several others forbidden. Halal means free, haram, and absolutely forbidden. As our dear Allah loves us so much, Allah has forbidden everything that could harm us. We thought of halal foods. We counted and could not finish. In fact, all these food have been enough for us to be full. What should one approach haram food?


It is necessary to investigate what is forbidden and what is halal. Haram and halal are not only in food and drink; it is also involved in human relations, shopping, and many other things.

For example, there are people who are haram and halal for us. Who they are is written in the Holy Qur’an. We can only find peace if we comply with the limits set by Allah. That is, even our elders would say, “What will happen, he is your uncle, kiss his hand, kiss him!”. If they insist, we should be able to give them the following answer: Just as an apple cannot be counted as a banana, a telephone cannot be considered a bootie, a napkin cannot be considered a basket, neither can namahrem be considered halal.


For example, it has been haram to listen to the songs that would lead us to rebellion and unfaithfulness. The Gulberenk Songs, which tell about good morals and worship and encourage us to contemplate, were immaculate and halal. These songs are so filled with goodness! If a person discovers peace in her/his halal circle, she/he would never go outside of that circle. Thus we prayed, “May Allah not separate us from the halal circle!”. In our imagination, we drew a circle around us. We got ourselves into that circle. From now on, we intended not to listen to anything haram, not to look at anything haram, not to taste anything haram with our tongue, not to speak anything haram, and not to open our hearts to haram.


Some people get used to doing things that are haram and do not feel uncomfortable with it. If people do not live as they believe, they will start to believe as they live. Those who go outside of the circle will be sad, regretful and disappointed.

If a person did something that was haram by mistake, she/he should repent immediately and be determined not to do wrong again. If a person makes the same mistake over and over again, it cannot be said that that person repents properly. The one who completely gets rid off a mistake and a sin should apply, “Real repentance”. This repentance cleanses people. Those who stay in the halal circle and find peace should thank Allah very, very much. It is necessary to give consolation to those who are disappointed by leaving this circle and pray for them.


As a result of this program, we decided not to leave the halal circle and to protect ourselves. No no, we did ot say goodbye! We made our prayers, laid down, turned to our right sides and slept with gratitude! If you want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.

Yorum Yap